
A supportive year-long coaching journey that combines 1:1 + community support to help spiritual entrepreneurs build ethical and regenerative businesses aligned with nature’s cycles

Business is a catalyst for personal and collective transformation

Members of our community are ready to grow their businesses
and put their soul’s purpose into practice.

BAM is for you if you’re ready to:

  • Build a sustainable business that grows at the pace of nature and regulated nervous systems

  • Fold trauma-informed practices into every aspect of your business

  • Market your services through relational resonance rather than manipulation and exploitation

  • Weave reciprocity into your business so you can deliver purposeful work and feel nourished rather than burned out

  • Balance logic and intuition by inviting your body’s wisdom into helping you make aligned decisions

  • Understand your nervous system to integrate patterns like perfectionism, the fear of being seen, and procrastination that keep you feeling stuck

  • Clarify and connect with your dream audience so your practice is full of aligned clients

  • Develop a healthy relationship with receiving money from clients

Hi. I’m Kat.

I created BAM to show creatives and service-based spiritual entrepreneurs that it’s possible to cultivate businesses that are rooted in conscious values, relational marketing and purposeful service. 

BAM is the program and community I wish I had when I was a fledgling entrepreneur.

When I launched my first business in 2007, what was being taught in business courses just didn’t feel right. I couldn’t articulate it at the time, but now I know that it was because I’d have to override my own nervous system, wisdom, and experience to follow traditional, extractive business advice. My intuition, morals and body were all screaming “No!”

An alternative didn’t exist at the time, so I forged the path of the spiritual entrepreneur.

The reality is that running an ethical and profitable business is HARD. You unconsciously start relying on survival strategies like overdoing, overriding boundaries, people-pleasing, procrastinating and perfectionism when you come across challenges. And if you don’t actively recruit your conscious awareness, it can be easy to shame yourself for the emotions that come up in business.

A spiritual entrepreneur is someone who recognizes the challenges and blocks that come up in your work as learning opportunities to integrate your survival strategies that are rooted in trauma. We do this through nervous system regulation, somatic healing and emotional alchemy. Then, when you’re in regulation, I’ll teach you practical business skills like defining and connecting with your dream audience, creating your offer, relational marketing, trauma-informed sales, intentional hiring practices, and so much more. The natural byproduct when we do this is a business that feels nourishing, safe and aligned.

My work bridges the energetics with the practical, allowing you to break away from toxic business strategies that just feel icky.

BAM helps you get closer to who YOU are so that you birth and nurture a business that is uniquely you.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

You will move through 5 modules guided live by the Kat on group calls. Each module features discussions, guided journaling and worksheets for community reflection. You will then join us in our community for coaching, co-regulation, and support on our group calls and forum.

Live virtual lessons
to align with nature's seasons
so you can break free from
the traditionally extractive culture of business

  • To do this, we must befriend your nervous system and understand the outdated survival tactics that have been holding you back in your business and disconnected from your Dao. The Autumn module is a deep dive into the Self so you can feel connected to your “why” when it comes to your values, ethics and decisions.

  • Armed with a fundamental understanding of who you are and what drives you, we will shift the focus onto who you want to serve through curious inquiry and deep listening. From this solid foundation, we will help you craft and price your offering in a way that feels deeply nourishing to both you and your clients.

  • Now that you’ve got an offering that is aligned with your values, let’s invite your dream clients to work with you through relational marketing practices. The Spring module will help you understand the fundamentals of writing content that invites people in without making you feel icky. You can apply these frameworks to write social media posts, newsletters, sales pages, and web pages.

  • Cultivating a spiritual business is relational. In the Summer module, we will help you recognize when unbalanced patterns show up in your relationship to your business and clients and give you tools to shift into a more empowered space. We will also guide you on the energetics of holding a trauma-informed sales call, repairing ruptures and teach you how to implement a contract that builds trust.

  • Some of what holds us back in business has less to do with strategy and more to do with being comfortable receiving. In the Late Summer module, we do a deep exploration into our relationship to money, resources, and attention so we can receive with a clear, balanced and grateful heart. We will then dive into how to set up financial and organizational systems that keeps your business humming.

  • While I can easily say that working with Kat is like being guided by a perfect mix of business coach, therapist, marketing whiz, nervous system expert, nature lover, somatic practitioner, etc, I think a more fitting description is to say that working with Kat feels like being nurtured. Kat truly sees you and helps guide you to understanding and witnessing the most fulfilling version of yourself and your business. Her quiet wisdom, careful listening, and masterful weaving of modalities are the nurturing we all deserve in this world, but few of us actually receive! If everyone got to work with Kat, the world would be a place where people felt rooted in their purpose; animals were treated with love, like the wisdom-holders they are; and the earth was subject to regenerative practices grounded in respect--we would be whole!

    - Ali

  • “Working with Kat has been the most impactful container I have ever chosen to be a part of. It has imapacted how I desire to run my business, treat my clients, and treat myself through my business.”

    Jessica Mawad, Mentor/Guide

  • Starting a business can feel incredibly vulnerable, intimidating, overwhelming, and lonely, despite the potential and excitement it can bring. Joining BAM is the ultimate accompaniment. If you're willing to do the work, you'll come away feeling seen, heard, understood, and nurtured, knowing your business can be a place of fulfillment. You'll also have a solid toolkit with which to examine yourself and your business as things ebb and flow.

    Katie McKenna, Mensrual Cycle Coach

  • “BAM brings into awareness the human element of business. I have a degree in business. However, this program uncovers layers that were never discussed in traditional business school. I have a better understanding of what my true goals are, and I am able to see that success is defined by so much more than money.”

    Anonymous BAM Graduate

  • “BAM provided me with community to help me see that a lot of my perceived issues with business were actually unhealed wounds. Integrating those wounds allowed me to show up to my business with less activation.”

    Emelina Law, Plant Bruja

  • “Before BAM, I was untethered, bursting forward for the sake of doing something, oftentimes out of fear. In BAM, I learned how to root within first, to find safety in that connection and move forward with alignment.”

    Nadine Zumot, Life Purpose and Money Energetics Coach

  • “ I feel blissful about the current state of my business. I am confident, capable and excited about where it’s going. BAM was a huge part in helping me get to where I am where I am today.”

    - Rachel Root, Fertility and Menstrual Health Expert

What You’ll Receive in BAM


  • You’ll get immediate access to the entire curriculum library complete with videos, journaling exercises, and worksheets to guide you in your spiritual entrepreneurship journey.

    The library currently houses 50+ hours and growing because it is an active co-creative project that continues to evolve through feedback and the organic needs of the BAM community.

  • The community is what I am most proud of in BAM. Because our community is not just a random group of people who bought the same program.

    Support from an intimate community offers opportunities to share and receive wise insights. This helps you to find safety in being seen and heard, normalize the ups and downs of running a business, and remove pressure that you should be more, different, or beyond where you are.

    The BAM Fam is a group of humans who know and genuinely care about each other. It’s not uncommon for folks to find collaborative partners and IRL friends in our cozy space.

  • In this course, Messaging Mentor Natalie Ross and I teach you both the Yin (energetic intention) and Yang (aligned action) of Relational Marketing so you can attract more dream clients without using manipulative and exploitative marketing tactics.

  • I have called in the Dream Team of financial mentors for spiritual entrepreneurs for this course so you can attract and organize money in ways that are aligned with ethical values for your business.

  • The library of resources is ever-expanding. You’ll receive all future updates to the BAM curriculum, including but not limited to workshop recordings, guest teachings and more!

for 1 Year:

  • You will leave this guided meditation with a singular word that will act as your North Star.

    Your Dao helps you balance logic, emotions and intuition so you can trust yourself when something feels right but doesn’t make logical sense. Through aligning with your Dao, you’ll realize your purpose is not what you do, but rather who you are.

    Curious about the Dao Meditation? Listen to this podcast episode for a candid peek into the magic of a Dao Meditation

  • The sole purpose of this call is to bring you CLARITY.

    If you struggle to know exactly what you need to share with your community, this call will help you shed light on the important foundational pillars of your work.

  • Kat teaches each lesson live so she can skillfully and flexibly meet the needs of each cohort on their spiritual entrepreneurship journey.

    These calls are a mix of vibrant discussion, journaling, workshopping and coaching to bring your regenerative business alive.

    Calls last 2 hours and are held on Sundays at 4PM PST.

  • This is the most magical part of the program. My style is to go deep rather than wide. This means is that I dive into 2-4 inquiries with coaching, and consensual community support.

    The beautiful thing is that even though everyone comes in with different stories, our humanity threads its way through our community. Every single time I’ve led group I’ve heard “I really needed to hear that” from folks who weren’t in the hotseat.

    Calls last 2 hours and are held on Mondays at 7:30 AM PST PST.

  • Messaging Mentor Natalie Ross and Kat host a quarterly Relational Marketing Q&A call for you to ask any and all questions you have about marketing.

  • Bookkeeper Misa Bacon and Kat host a quarterly Q&A call for you to ask any and all questions you have about the energetics and organization of money in your business.

  • I teach and host workshops on targeted subjects (often the inspiration for these workshops come from the needs of the BAM community).

    You get free access to all live workshops I host during the entirety of your journey.

How much personalized
support do you get with Kat?

- 58+ group calls

- (2) 1:1 sessions

Note about “lifetime access: I am a cyclical and evolving being…which means that this container will continue to shift. When I say “lifetime access”, I mean that you’ll be invited to join me on the journey, no matter what this curriculum and community shape-shifts into next.

Note about what happens after a year: Don’t worry if you fall in love with our community and want to stay longer in our cozy co-regulatory space, there are affordable options to renew for support beyond. You will have forever access to the curriculum and any updates to future curriculum.

I offer a supportive and tiered,
pay-what-aligns price structure

My intention is to create equitable access to my work while maintaining a reciprocal relationship with my community. As a spiritual entrepreneur, I hold responsibility to shift the the culture of payment which is why I offer 3 different prices with a no-penalty month payment plan option for each. Please read through the criteria to determine which price is appropriate for you.


Please choose this option if:

  • you have access to financial security, own property/vehicle, or have personal savings

  • you have expendable income and are able to pay for “wants” such as meals out, new outfits or coffee/tea at a cafe

  • you can afford an annual vacation or take time off with little to no financial burden

By choosing this price, you are contributing to a more equitable community by supporting program access for those who have less
financial security.


Please choose this option if:

  • you have access to steady income but are paying off debt or working to build savings

  • you have some stress about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc. but still regularly achieve them

  • making this investment means you might have to cut back on some “wants” such as meals out, new outfits, vacation or coffee/tea at a cafe


Please choose this option if:

  • you frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them

  • you have debt that affects your ability to meet your basic needs

  • you have unstable housing or transportation

  • you qualify for government assistance

  • you have little to no expendable income and find it difficult to build up personal savings

…or if you’d prefer to connect and see if BAM is the right fit…

Prices will be increasing in 2025 to account for the evolution of BAM (there’s a ton more support and content than when I first started the program in 2021) and inflation.

To provide personalized space-holding to this coaching experience, I only run BAM once a year.

The supportive sliding scale price structure thrives on trust. Please be honest about your economic reality when choosing the option that is the most supportive to you and the community. Opting for a lower price when you can truthfully afford the higher price limits access for those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility.

Our sliding scale model is inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts+Cunning.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you’re an auditory learner, I answered this on Instagram.

    1. The reality is that building a business is hard. I know there are other business coaches who say “Just follow my signature method A-Z and you’ll be making six figures in 12 weeks!” In my opinion and experience, building a regenerative business is an internal process. Your intuition and insights need to be heard and woven into the structure of your business rather than outsourcing your authority to someone else. That takes time.

    2. I really do share so much information that you need a full year to digest it. I didn’t want to just give you bits and bobs and expect you to figure it out on your own. The community and I are here to walk beside you while you build the nourishing soil of your business

    3. You probably landed here because building a business feels dysregulating to your nervous system. Here’s what I know to be true…nervous system work takes time. Helping your body feel safe, understanding where beliefs come from and integrating them takes time. We’re all fried from hustling and rushing our way through things and the intention behind this program is to build a soul-aligned business at a pace that honors the regulated rhythm of your body

    4. My teaching experience comes from being a professor in a Traditional Chinese Medicine grad school program. I teach at the pace of integration and sustainable growth, not at the pace of consumerism.

    5. When I polled my community and clients, I asked how they would describe my work. The word “intentional” was on repeat. The reason why my work feels intentional is because I consciously choose to move at the rhythm of nature, of regenerative gardening, of building a foundation of emotional safety with animals. To me, it is worth it to go slow so the Spirit of my Business has space to speak. Because for me, my business is not just about making money. It is an expression of your soul’s work. Which is probably why you are here as well. I am not interested in rushing you to a destination that does not honor the timeline of your soul.

  • Lesson Calls are held on Sundays at 4PM PST. Emotional Alchemy Group Coaching Calls are on Mondays at 7:30 AM PST. Each week is an alternating call. Yes, I do know holidays exist, but as an animist without an attachment to traditional holidays, I plan on teaching every week to honor continuity. All calls will be recorded so you may honor your own rhythms and obligations

    You may peruse the call schedule HERE.

  • There is a weekly 2-hour call that you are encouraged to attend live. Most weeks, there is about 1-2 hours of homework/reflection/journaling built into the lesson. I have built in Integration weeks (no new material is presented) when there is a higher than normal amount of homework.

  • There is no falling behind in BAM. I will encourage you to move at a pace that feels aligned for you. All calls are recorded so you can come back to them at any point. In fact, many BAM community members share that they return to different lessons as their business evolves through spirals. The curriculum is designed to be circular, not linear.

That’s a sign that BAM may be exactly what your business and your soul have been asking for. 

Running a business as a spiritual entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your values or wellbeing just to survive. 

Take the time to listen to the whispers of your heart that let you know whether you’re ready to align your business with nature’s cycles and your soul’s purpose, so you can thrive without subscribing to an extractive mindset.

Still have questions?

Are you feeling excited and maybe a little nervous?

The Community Shares How They Felt Before BAM:

  • Marketing my business was completely overwhelming. I was anxious about how to explain what I did, who to explain it to, how to talk to my existing participants, and how to find new participants. If I dig down and get really vulnerable, though, what I felt most anxious and overwhelmed by was how to allow myself to be seen in a way that felt safe!


  • I received bad advice (both from a past coach and through cultural osmosis), which encouraged me to sacrifice my own agenda and instead carry someone else's. This means that most of the messaging I came into BAM with was rooted in the capitalist / toxic messaging that still dominates business and marketing spaces in general. All of this contributed to the feeling that in order to be successful, I was going to have to be different that who I already was and wanted to be.

    Sarah Teresa Cook, Writer & Creative Mentor

  • I was living the outward appearance of my spiritual business dream, but it wasn't working for me on the inside or financially. I had money trauma that kept me from paying myself, despite bringing in a 6-figure revenue. I was feeling burned out by the path I was on, resistant to continuing. The pressure to keep the business going and growing was building, and in opposition to my inner resistance. I didn't know what to do. I felt stuck, trapped, blocked, and held in bondage by ancestral trauma patterns.

    Natalie Ross, Freeze Whisperer

  • I was constantly triggered by my business, namely marketing. My previous business coach was not trauma informed and didn’t understand why I was so “stuck”.

    Nadine Zumot, Holistic Money Coach

  • I felt a lack of confidence in my ability to develop and lead animist forest circle, and my "right" to lead such a space, and charge money for it. Every business decision was made by pushing through a wall of anxiety and self doubt. I knew I wanted to birth this thing, but I felt so alone in my pursuit of it. I needed help from Kat and a group to let me know this sounded like a good ethical idea, and that my fears of rejection could be held.


  • On the outside I appeared quite successful and within I would question every move and decision I had made. I was not at ease within my body and lived within a paradigm that was unsustainable.


The Community Shares What They Are Proud Of

  • I was able to replace the income I was making as a teacher and leave teaching for work that feels aligned with my soul while in BAM. Now that I am in my first year of fully running my own business, I am on track to double what I was making as a teacher.


  • Within a few months of working together, I stepped away from my old business, and started a new one that emerged from aligned ease. In my new business, I started EARNING INCOME AND ACTUALLY PAYING MYSELF It is now a little over 2 years since we started working together and I'm proud that I now charge a rate I feel confident and comfortable with. Being in the BAM Community has strengthened my sense of agency. I feel woven into a web of mutual support with fellow spiritual entrepreneurs where I feel seen, understood, and validated in the "weird" things I've experienced on my business journey that are not typically spoken about in entrepreneurship

    Natalie Ross, Freeze Whisperer

  • I came into the genuine and profound understanding of being *in partnership* with my business, and redeveloped my website (with clearer messaging and a stronger sense of who I am).

    Sarah Teresa Cook, Writer & Creative Mentor

  • I learned the value of going slow in my life and my business. I received validation to connect with my body in business.

    Nadine Zumot- Holistic Money Coach

  • My heart is more open. I can see how marketing and speaking to clients should feel this way

    Anonymous BAM Member

  • I treat myself and my business with compassion now, and understand that we're in relationship with one another. I realize the love, freedom, and curiosity that exists here, as opposed to the expectation I have of myself and what my business "should" be doing.


The Community Describes What It Feels Like to Be Supported By Kat

  • Being supported by Kat feels like being gently but generously held. There is a kindness, softness, and slowness to Kat that is in no way thin or limited--quite the opposite. Her support is strong, but not in the way that I've seen in other coaching spaces, where strength is confused as knowing better than the client. Kat doesn't know better, she knows alongside you. It is collaborative, so that your wisdom *and* hers get to be present at once.

    Sarah Teresa Cook, Writer & Creative Mentor

  • It feels like having a grounded, warm auntie who has been around the block of life and come around to say, "what if we were soft, not harsh? questioning, not punitive? firm, not severe? what if we slowed down and felt good?"


  • Tender, gentle, kind, soft, fierce (but not sharp). I feel like Kat witness the wild pony in me and help her feel safe enough to calm down and engage with the world, without breaking her spirit. She sees my spirited side, invites her forward, witnesses her without an agenda or judgment, and support her to step into physical reality. She has helped the traumatized, wild pony in me to be free, happy, and empowered, rather than timid, broken, and alone.

    Natalie Ross, Freeze Whisperer

  • Juicy, rooted, endlessly empathetic and overflowing with wisdom. She holds space tenderly with an open heart, and has the skill to lead you back to yourself.


  • I felt seen without judgement. Kat understands parts of me that I didn't quite understand myself.

    Yeji Lee, Transformaton Coach

  • Steady and safe witnessing with no judgement and genuine curiosity and compassion.

    Chelsy Levy

  • Kat is both the friend and a warm blanket at a slumber party. She'll cuddle up on you giving a sense of warmth and somehow she's also the friend who lifts up the covers and says peek-a-boo and makes you challenge yourself in the process.


  • It’s like being cocooned in a warm blanket and given hot tea after wandering a dark, cold and wet jungle cold for what feels like decades.

    Nadine Zumot- Holistic Money Coach